Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Solution to World Peace

I am such a scatter-brain. Within a span of 4 weeks, I lost my wallet (in Rome), my company ID (in Manila), my eyeglasses and my new shades (groan... in Beijing), and my company phone (in Singapore). Argh argh argh argh.

So now I'm walking around blind as a bat without the super hearing powers, with my ratty, old, bulky wallet that I've had since high school (ugh). I have to call my secretary to let me in the office every morning and then molest her further by borrowing her phone the whole day to make phone calls. I have a security record now in the company, and 1 day I'm sure they'll use that as an excuse to fire me.

The upside is... I've found the solution to world peace! Of course, this assumes that everyone is near-sighted. BUT, I've realized that without my glasses, people are actually looking more and more attractive to me, and most definitely from afar. As a result, I'm also nicer to them and vice-versa.

It's sad but true - beautiful people get less crap and since I'm seeing the world with a fuzzy kind of quality, everyone's beautiful now (and kind of distorted) so there's no more crap from me. I do tend to be so shallow that way.

Plus I can't tell who's who so I'm nice to everyone, in fear that the person I'm being bitchy to, might actually be my boss. It's so bad, I can't even tell the color of your skin or your nationality until I talk to you (yes, I'm that blind).

So that's my answer to world peace - a world where no one can tell beauty, rank, race or religion from 1st glance, until you actually know them. I think the world would be a much nicer place to live in if God made us all just a little bit blind.

I'm almost sad to be getting my specs again.


At 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sure you have colleaugues you can smell from a mile away though huh? So world peace for all but the...:-)

At 9:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

HEHE dean is sooooo mean! :P Hey ach, since you're practically blind now and think everyone's beautiful, I bet you're going to think nigi's all cute and sweet. heehee i can't wait to hear you say it :P

At 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, so profound :) If I had lost all the stuff you mentioned, I would've just whined, bitched, and ranted.

At 10:06 AM , Blogger moan said...

Hay Jac... Trust me, I've ALREADY finished whining, bitching and ranting... :-) I've just noticed how cute everyone has suddenly become overnight.


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