Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Life In A Box

I've finally moved into my new apartment. I spent the whole Sunday packing and unpacking -- my whole life in 14 boxes. I sorely miscalculated the amount of work required and overestimated my personal capacity for physical effort... so now my whole body hurts like hell and my fingers have black newspaper ink stains that won't come off.

Good-bye to my old apartment... It was much bigger and I could have a proper bedroom with separate areas for the living room and dining room, as you can see.

Hello to new apartment, where I have one space for my living room and bedroom. This is the view when you enter my apartment, which has promptly shocked my maid, Rosita.

The opposite view from my bed... straight to my plasma. :)

This is the master's room that I've turned into my study...

And the dining table I've turned into my work table.

This is the kitchen which I normally wouldn't show you since it's not that great. You may be wondering why I'm taking a picture of a door. It's a actually quite a special door since it's about 5 inches thick and leads into a small bomb shelter - no kidding. In the event of a bomb, it's nice to know I'm completely protected. Now my bomb shelter has been converted to a pantry. So at least my canned goods will be safe from harm.

What I miss about my old apartment:
1) THE WALK - 3 minutes to the MRT vs. 10 minutes (and up a hill on top! groan... hello taxi!)
2) SPACE - I undervalued my storage space... sniff.
3) MY UBER COOL LOCK - It was automatic locking device in my old place and now I have to get used to using a... (gasp!)... key! (sacre bleu!)
4) THE PRIVACY - Any Joe can look up and see my booty in my new place.

What I do like about my new place:
1) THE VIEW - I face a park so it's nice to see so much green.
2) THE BREEZE - No need for aircon. It's like Hurricane Karing here all day. The noon sun doesn't even come in to my place.
3) The fact that I can watch my plasma from the bed.
4) I have a PANIC BUTTON which is directly connected to the guard house (not that I'd ever use it. This is Singapore after all. But it's nice to have that security.)
5) And last but not the least, my DOUBLE-SHOWER HEAD. It's like a spa in the shower -- makes me want to take a bath all the time, and nothing has ever quite achieved that before.


At 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Syempre I'm commenting on ur past posts....

Nice yung view ah! And I still can't believe u don't have a bedframe! Do you have something against them?



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