Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Points to ponder

It's my parents' 35th wedding anniversary today. Wow. Didn't think it was possible to stay together that long - then again, I never thought I'd last a year with Dean. And here we are, going down 5 years...

I like my TV or computer wires and cables neatly tied up and unseen. I wonder if it will just explode 1 day because the electricity has to travel across coils squeezed in the middle vs. over a straight line. If anyone says yes, please let me know now before my apartment suddenly bursts into flames.

Why do Indians move their head from side to side when saying yes, instead of up and down like everyone else on the planet? Seriously, National Geographic should do a special on this.

Why do girls swoon over flowers given on anniversaries, Valentine's and birthdays? Isn't it just the most predictable thing? And why give something that will wither up and die in a few days?

Where do romance novelists get their adjectives and euphemisms? Is there a dictionary for ways to call our privates? "The gates of heaven", "the shining sword of lust", "his throbbing manhood", ick ick ick.

Where do all the ponytails go? No matter how careful I am, I am bound to lose them. Can't find them in my pockets, bags, under the bed, sofa, at home, in the office... Is there a homing device that calls them "home" after a period of time? Do they die and go to heaven? These dang things just can't be found... I could write a whole blog about this phenomena.


At 6:41 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 6:41 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

whoa ach!

the penguins in your head sure are working overtime! I can just imagine them all pushing against each other inside your head while you were writing this post :P

At 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my ponytails are always missing too! plus my pens.. :( hows the fitness idol doing??? :) heehee... macho na ba??? :p


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