Monday, July 24, 2006

Moscow Day 3: The Strip Club

Today was the start of work - the reason we could justify taking this long trip over to sightsee. It was interesting to meet all these BMs from all over the world like Karim (Egpyt), Dewald (South Africa), Roxana (Romania), Thanos (Greece), Carlos (Mexico), Eduardo (Peru), Adrian (Argentina - my crush!! :), Todd (China), Talal (Saudi) and some others that I don't remember now. Funny actually that being Filipino, Ezer, Raffy and I ended up being the majority!! Over-represented for the smallest region in the world by business size.

Anyway, it was a loooong day. They really made us suffer for this junket, which was still worth it. I'm sure the guys felt the same especially since they took us to a STRIP CLUB later that night. But first, we went to a nice traditional Russian shashlik (barbeque) place, that sadly, was the same one we had taken the initiative to go to the night before. But no matter, the shashlik's were still good and buffet is always right by me.

I tried Russky Standart after - one of the most famous of Russian vodkas. Two shots and I barely felt the cold after. It was funny - some of the guys kept saying "wow, this vodka is so much better; goes down so smooth; tastes good"... yada, yada, yada and were sipping it like martini. I tried it and it tasted like isopropyl alcohol. Of course, I felt like an idiot saying so since everyone was all praises.

Until Boris the Russian came and started laughing at how everyone was sipping their vodkas. "Vodka tastes awful that no one drinks it like that! You just chug the whole thing down!" Mwahahaha! I was right! It still tastes bad, even in Russia!

So he taught us the right way to drink it, which was bottoms up. And definitely have an apple after to neutralize the taste, or at the very least sniff some bread. Surprisingly, it tastes much better when you follow up with some apple. That's how I ended up with 2.5 shots.

After that, we went to a strip club called Spearmint Rhino. Boys, remember this and you will thank me on your knees one day. This is definitely not Pat Pong. If you ignore that the girls strip down completely naked, it's actually quite a show. The things they can do with a pole... mon dieu.

It's quite normal in Russian culture for girls and couples to go to these types of establishments for fun, so while they must have been surprised by our motley crew, I don't think it was weird for them I was there. An interesting experience - and I'm glad it wasn't at all seedy.

I can feel the guys reading this swimming in a pool of drool.


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