Sunday, June 11, 2006

Batgirl is Lesbian

Another thing to add to my list of "never-again's"... I am never again having so many Vodka Redbulls in 1 night. Groan. It's 630am and I am ready to climb the walls of my bedroom. I can't sleep 1 wink!! I've counted sheep and tried the warm water (in absence of milk) and putting my feet up, but I can just feel the damn thing in my system. And I don't know if it has anything to do with my choice of alcohol tonight, but I am staaaaarving.

Ok ok, have patience. I'm getting to explaining the title.

I got hit on by Singaporeans tonight and it was pretty funny. I know that's mean, but anyone who starts a conversation by putting down his own countrymen is kind of a dork.

"You know, I find that Singaporean men lack social graces. But if I were to rate myself, I think I would be in the upper set." Uh... yeah. Right. I think you just missed the train on that one, buddy boy.

"Do you swim? Because you have really nice shoulders." Heehee. Can you believe these words actually come out of the mouths of real people??

"I went to (insert some beach I can't remember) in France and you know that the women go topless there?" Somebody, anybody, save me.

They're nice people though, relatively harmless. Unlike this white guy who kept passing me notes and staring at me. That almost started a fight with some of the guys I was with.

Which brings me to my point finally. DC comics is reviving the Batgirl series, but they're making her lesbian to keep up with the times. And after my incredibly looong night out, I'm starting to think there are definitely merits to being lesbian.

I can hear Kenny freaking out all the way from here.


At 11:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

*shudder shudder* -ken

At 4:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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