Thursday, July 13, 2006

They Should Have Been Called Hotplay

Just came from a faaaaaaaaaaaantastic Coldplay concert!! I wasn't really a big fan and I grumbled through paying the $120 ticket - but it was so worth it!

They played all their popular songs and the effects were pretty spectacular. They started with a bang, quite literally, with a huge giant screen counting down to an explosion on stage. There wasn't anyone who wasn't on their feet or screaming their lungs out.

Then they released giant balloons which the crowd pushed up all the way to Chris Martin who popped one on stage at the end of his song (trust me, it was pretty cool).

All throughout, they had different effects depending on the song they were playing. It's too bad the pictures don't really do justice to it and I can't post videos here to share. The live version of 'Clocks' was already worth the price of admission.

I wish artists wouldn't do the thing where they make the audience clap for 15 minutes for them to do an encore when they're already factored that into their set anyway. At least they gave a proper good-bye at the end.

I am officially in love with Chris Martin... le sigh. I'm gonna buy me a Coldplay CD this weekend.

That's me, Raffy, Cher and Emman pre-concert.

In other news, I have to move apartments in 2 months because my landlord found a new and much richer tenant. So I'm enjoying the free-wheeling "single" life now before I have to go back to sharing again... I'm just going to spend all my savings on shoes.


At 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lucky u!!!!!!!!!!!! :( -ken


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