Thursday, December 03, 2009

A Hamster's Perspective... Sitting Out The Race For Now

You would think that working in a multi-national means we're quite safe from the recession... but no, not really. A recent article in Fortune magazine about P&G wrote that for the top 50 assignments in the company, we have a bench of 3 replacement candidates. I'm too low in the food chain but our bench even for Band 3 assignments (that's where I am... a General Manager is Band 6) is pretty deep too.

That's great when you're the lead candidate for a position, like I was for this one. But with freeze hires, freeze promotions, over-hiring and basically no one being pirated outside... it's getting more and more competitive to be placed in a good job now, which is a problem when I'm due to change assignments or risk stagnation.

We have to go through job interviews, submit application forms and have our managers lobby like crazy. Sounds more like we're moving to a different company. Gone are the days when I felt like my career was actually being mapped out and planned up all the way to the top. To be fair, I did throw a wrench in the system by deciding to stay in Brussels -- still, you would think a well-oiled cog like P&G could and would adapt to that.

It's a bit stressful -- being at a crossroads but not knowing where the arrows point or when to start walking. I'm not complaining. After all, I'm in a cushiest spot to wait it out. I suppose once in a while, it's good to step off the wheel and watch the other hamsters running around for a change. The only thing is, staying off too long... well, you either lose the muscles to keep running when your turn's back up or lose the desire to.

In the meantime, I'm thankful for my job.
#1 - because I get to see my family and friends in Manila 2-3x a year for free.
#2 - because I get to see my sister in Chicago 3-4x a year for free. And do all my cheap shopping in the US, not for free, but definitely discounted.
#3 - because I get to still go to all these new places -- Prague, Abidjan, Lagos to name a few.
#4 - because I get to work with friends I sincerely like and hope to keep even when I move on.
#5 - because I have one.