Sunday, June 25, 2006

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posting some pics from my last girls' night out in Manila - we drove around for what seemed like hours for the perfect hole-in-the-wall restaurant and ended up in Casa Armas. I don't think quaint restos work for us since we're so loud that we tend to overwhelm the acoustics.

We all had wine, after which D said she got heart palpitations (so I think that new habit has just been nipped in the bud).

Fara though, seemed to like it. At some point, she wanted to down the entire bottle. On an aside note - doesn't she look so hot? Man, she's lost so much weight, she looks so good! Plus the newfound confidence is really sexy - eat your hearts out boys!

Another shot of the cuties...

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moan

So Yotch and I were watching Oprah the other day and Lance Armstrong's ex-wife was on the show talking about how she "lost" herself gradually in her marriage, as she played the part of perfect wife and mother. Which meant, in some ways, sacrificing what she wanted for what she thought was best for everyone.

Some part of that ep terrorized us, so I'm listing down a couple of things to remind myself of who I am and what I want, lest I forget it somewhere along the way. I know some compromise is always going to happen, but knowing where you stand on certain things will make it a lot easier to determine how far and how much you're willing to let go.

1. My family is very important to me. Any guy who doesn't make an effort to be loved by them can go bark up another tree.
2. One of these days, I am going to rediscover God and all the Catholic traditions I grew up with.
3. I like talking and having long, meaningful, silly, pointless conversations. Words are important to me and if you love me but don't say it, then you don't love me at all (unless you're family, in which case, you have no choice).
4. My job isn't the #1 priority but don't ask me to give it up. I like what I do.
5. I like movies, gifts and surprises (both the giving and the getting), good food (Chinese, Japanese, sushi, steak, French, Italian, Continental, dimsum, fine dining, hawker center, etc etc), any kind of dancing, eating out, massages and entertaining at home.
6. Some weekends are best spent sleeping past noon and parking in front of the TV. And some should be spent dressed to the nines and out till the sun comes up.
7. I like to travel and if you don't, I'll go alone... at least 1x a year.
8. I don't smoke, drink, do drugs or go for cheap thrills and I don't get along with anyone who goes overboard on those.
9. I'm never having short hair again. Or kinky hair if I can help it.
10. I don't like not trying out stuff (except for Mediterranean food), the gym, golf, clutter, cooking, cleaning, crooked teeth, too much curry or cheese and apparently from the looks of it, things that start with the letter C.
11. I need rice at least 1x a day and I think I'll die if I go a week without it.
12. I like having control of the remote but I don't mind giving up control of the car and kitchen in return.
13. I'm vain and emotionally needy which means I need constant reassurance that I'm pretty.
14. I like live music, the theater, museums and exhibits, people-watching, splurging on the occasional indulgence, long drives, spontaneous moments, soaking in the tub forever and PDA. Lots and lots of PDA.
15. I haven't learned to like the opera, whole-day shopping, scrimping on food, long walks, too much spending, freezing cold weather, tight shirts on guys, pets and being too open on bodily functions.
16. I'd like to have couple friends and separate sets of friends, but to have 1 bestest friend in the guy I marry.
17. I want to be able to retire by the time I'm 40. Somewhere warm and sunny and blue. Preferably historic. With a swing on the front porch.
18. I'm a hopeless romantic. I don't think I could be with a guy who doesn't share my same idea of romance.
19. I don't like being told what to do, what I can't do or what I shouldn't do. And the more you tell me what's what, the more I'll probably do the opposite. I like my independence and boy oh boy I'll need to find someone who likes that about me too.

There's so much more where that came from. I just hope I remember all of that when it comes time to matter. Especially the fact that I like me, right now, exactly as I am.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You Know You're Under-Dressed for the Office When...

You go for your regular caffeine fix at Starbucks before work and the barista takes 1 look at you and asks,

"Ma'am, you just came from the gym?"

"Uh... no..."

"Ah... so you're just headed to the gym!"


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Batgirl is Lesbian

Another thing to add to my list of "never-again's"... I am never again having so many Vodka Redbulls in 1 night. Groan. It's 630am and I am ready to climb the walls of my bedroom. I can't sleep 1 wink!! I've counted sheep and tried the warm water (in absence of milk) and putting my feet up, but I can just feel the damn thing in my system. And I don't know if it has anything to do with my choice of alcohol tonight, but I am staaaaarving.

Ok ok, have patience. I'm getting to explaining the title.

I got hit on by Singaporeans tonight and it was pretty funny. I know that's mean, but anyone who starts a conversation by putting down his own countrymen is kind of a dork.

"You know, I find that Singaporean men lack social graces. But if I were to rate myself, I think I would be in the upper set." Uh... yeah. Right. I think you just missed the train on that one, buddy boy.

"Do you swim? Because you have really nice shoulders." Heehee. Can you believe these words actually come out of the mouths of real people??

"I went to (insert some beach I can't remember) in France and you know that the women go topless there?" Somebody, anybody, save me.

They're nice people though, relatively harmless. Unlike this white guy who kept passing me notes and staring at me. That almost started a fight with some of the guys I was with.

Which brings me to my point finally. DC comics is reviving the Batgirl series, but they're making her lesbian to keep up with the times. And after my incredibly looong night out, I'm starting to think there are definitely merits to being lesbian.

I can hear Kenny freaking out all the way from here.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Parting of the Black Hair

Today, I woke up and decided to change my look for the hell of it. So I parted my hair in the middle instead of on the side where I usually do. And I'm never ever ever doing it again.

I'm not very superstitious. I have no problems with a black cat crossing in front of me. I'm not scared of Friday the 13th. And I've never carried a lucky charm around (BIL coin does not count).

But the only thing I've changed today is where I part my hair and suddenly, middle part = one of the worst days of my life. Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong today. It started out innocently enough - my hair actually looked good wet. Unfortunately, after it dried, I started to look like this...

Yikes... No surprise that the day just got progressively worse. Instead of ackowledging that some of today's mishaps may have been my own doing, I'm choosing to go aggressively in denial and blame it on the hair. Damn the hair! Never again.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Singapore Diaries (Conclusion)

They just left and I'm feeling so depressed I can't even go back to sleep. It's so weird coming back to my apartment and have it empty of luggage and miscellaneous items strewn all over the floor. I'm seeing them in 2 weeks but I almost burst out crying anyway at the airport. And the thought of having to eat dinner alone tonight is making me sick. Le sigh... What makes me think I can move to Europe in 7 months??

It's a wonder how we all fit in my apartment - 4 of us sleeping in the living room. Actually, something kinda like this. Heehee.

I don't think my dinky dining table (or the water boiler) has ever seen that much action in their entire life. This is the night I brought chicken rice home. Look at all the happy smily faces.

Took them to Clarke Quay last night to see the new space pod.

And just by sheer coincidence, we all happened to be dressed in blue - the same shade of blue! We looked like the Von Trapp family about to break out into song in any minute. We looked so cute that we kept taking pictures of ourselves in the escalator...

even in the walk-a-lator!

I'm too depressed to write the highlights.