Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Singapore Diaries (Part 1)

They're here! They're here! The gang arrived yesterday in Singapore and it's never been more fun. Papa was with them, so of course, the whole time, I was so pressured to show them a good time and importantly, good FOOD!

So I thought I would take them to a sure bet - Ah Hoi's Kitchen for the biggest crabs this side of Asia. Uh... I guess the crabs weren't as sweet as in Manila. :) But I think the lesser-crab connoisseurs enjoyed themselves.

Here are pictures of us looking cute in our crab bibs.

Kenny couldn't eat bread so we let her go first with the rice. Here is a candid picture of Wong staring hungrily... I think she wanted to eat Kenny.

Ok... so Ah Hoi's was a bit of a letdown for Papa but I've never known anyone to resist the charms of the Ritz sunday brunch buffet. So off we went on a rainy Sunday morning

And for the love of free cake, today is now officially my parents' wedding anniversary. :)

The Ritz and the gigantic balls of shark's fin have not failed me! I think that's a smile on my dad's face there after his 4th bowl. We made super sulit and stayed for 4 hours and Mama even had 2 glasses of champagne... which I think is partly to blame for her upset stomach 15 minutes later. That and her 3 oysters.

What followed next is torture our feet won't soon forget. 5 straight hours of marathon shopping to take advantage of the GREAT Singapore Sale. We found Kenny's army shorts, Yotch's 1st suit and Ahia's "Italian" shirts - at the end of which, we couldn't do anything except...

And just for fun, I'm posting this funny picture which my camera risked its life to take.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Christmas came early this year... First, I got my new Casio Exilim digital camera that I've been drooling over for the longest time. Isn't it a beauty (drool, drool)?? It was just love at first sight. It's all red and girly and shiny. I bring it with me everywhere I go, so naturally, I've been trigger-happy lately. I've even shot my shoes!

And of course, I shot my apartment again. It's changed a lot since I last posted it almost 2 years ago. Mama and Yotch really made a big difference when they started buying the carpet and the dining table and all these nice bric-a-bracs to put around. The plasma TV is a BIG help too. Makes me never want to leave the couch. It's a lot more homey... my home.

That's my 1st ever painting hanging above the sofa. I liked the colors. Plus it reminds me of where I'd like to retire someday. I was so giddy when they installed it in my apartment! Haha... What a nerd.

And finally, my family's arriving today - Papa for the 1st time (so I've done nothing but clean the whole day), Mama, Yotch, Wong, Bei and Ken. I have no idea how we're all going to fit in my teeny-tiny apartment, but it's going to be super fun. And I'm capturing every minute of it with my new digital camera!!! :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Getting a Life

Wow... I haven't written in a while. Life's been hectic - I've been traveling a lot, working a lot and sleeping a lot less. And it doesn't look like it's going to get better any time soon. I'm just back in Singapore after 2 weeks in Manila, going to Japan next week, India the week after that. And don't even ask about my schedule next month!

Argh. I need to clone me.

What is it about being 20-something and thinking you can do everything?? I work 12 hour work days in a job that used to be done by 2 people. I'm stressed to death but I don't complain. Part of me feels like I should work this hard while I'm young. I blame my dad and his workaholic genes. Work hard, Party hard - great, except I don't party. Chinese people don't party.

I'm actually considering getting a dog just to have some semblance of a life. Ok, *shudder shudder* I am so not a pet person. I must be going mad.

What I really miss right now? Having the time to read. I don't even remember the last time I read a really really good book. Groan. I have no life, I'm going mad and I'm getting stupid. Wah peh ah.