Monday, November 28, 2005

Christmas Greetings from an Insomniac

It's almost 2am and I can't sleep. I can hear the cars 13 floors down whizzing past and it makes me curse how sound can travel so high up. I've jotted down my to-do list, which is supposed to stop making you worry about the next day - which to me, is already TODAY.

I've tried all the other tricks - putting my feet up, drinking warm milk and counting sheep. None of which, obviously, have worked. So instead of resorting to work which would make me really pathetic, I decided to update my blog.

Unfortunately, my life these days is pretty boring. I've been in Singapore for the last 2 weeks, and another 2 more coming. This is the longest stretch so far I've been in this country and as those of you who have been here know, there is not much to do here. And so, for lack of any brain power to write something remotely intelligent-sounding, I'm copping out and posting pictures instead.

These were taken from Bwibs' 2nd mini-birthday party at home. That's his favorite coffee crumble cake which he's eyeing like a hawk...

He's going in for the kill...

And he scores!!!

Of course, this is my blog - so there's the requisite picture with me. :)

Some more funny pictures of the torture Yotch makes my nephews go thru. I'm sure one day very soon, they will cringe at the very sight of these and wish there was a hole big enough for them to crawl into. Mwahahahahahaha!!!

Don't ask me why they have KFC buckets on their heads. We take our KFC really seriously. :)

Now this is more like it... Christmas is coming!!! Work's really heavy these days so I don't feel it as much this year but man oh man, I can't wait till people start becoming nicer, weather gets cooler and days all around just become happier. Ho ho ho - Early Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Mexican Memories

Woohoo... These are the pictures from Santi's phone to prove I was really at a real-live World Cup match. Ok fine fine, it was a pre-World Cup qualifier between Mexico and Costa Rica, but it was exciting nonetheless. It's been 3 months but man, this brings back memories! There was so much energy, passion and screaming everywhere - and we were sitting THIS close to the field!

That's an authentic Mexico jersey I'm wearing - I think the sombrero's authentic too. We borrowed it from the guy sitting in front of us just so I could take a picture. I was obviously a little happy already from all the beer we were drinking.

That's Santi on the left, the guy who was taking all the pictures. Then Boris (doesn't he just look like every Russian you've ever imagined?) and Mateo, my soccer mentor.

More pictures of us post-beer...

Monday, November 07, 2005

From India with Love (?)

One of the coolest things about my job is that I get to travel a lot, especially since I took on India. That's my product right there!!

A lot of the cliche's we have about India are true - it is dirty and noisy and populated and smelly (sometimes). You get stared at a lot, either because you're a foreigner or a girl. Food is a big risk unless you have it in a hotel or a big restaurant. I've never packed so many Oreo's and Chips Ahoy and bottled water in my entire life.

If we have stray cats and dogs in Manila, they have stray cows that wander the streets like they're strolling the park, or plop down in the middle of the highway and cause hours of traffic. I actually wonder who feeds them or if someone just doesn't come to steal them for the slaughterhouse (which sometimes happens).

But "The Amazing Race" makes it seem much worse than it really is. Sure their trains are so over-crowded that 2-3 people actually die every week from hitting a pole when their heads are hanging out of a speeding train and there's no space to bring it back in. But every trip I make to this country, and I've made only 2 so far, is always a new and surprising experience.

I was in Mumbai a month ago, I'm writing this from New Delhi now, and the 2 cities couldn't be more different. For starters, Mumbai was approaching 40degrees a month ago. I'm almost freezing to death here in Delhi - I arrived last night to 15degree weather! Without a jacket I might add, since I was expecting Manila weather.

The taxis in Mumbai are also kinda gross and the traffic there is horrible with the non-stop honking, bumpy roads and all the cars, 2-wheelers and trucks coming within centimeters! But Delhi was surprisingly clean, smooth and easy.

Biggest learning based on 2 cities? There is no such thing as ONE India. It's so different and diverse depending on whether you're in the North or the South, in one city or another, SEC A, B or C (I don't want to go lower than C), Hindu or Moslem... And that's what makes the country and the people so fascinating.

That and the shopping is terrific. :)